Shooting Practice Session booking

We are sure many of you are now aware Archery GB have now supplied guidance as to the re-opening of the field for shooting.  Using the guidelines provided and input from the committee we have decided that we can re-open the field.

You can book the field, or report a visit to the field either by using the form below, or emailing the club secretary on or phoning the number on the attached document.

You will also see that the field has been marked out differently to allow those who still wish to socially distance the opportunity to do so.  Please do not use the far lanes if you have not booked them.

The field is open from Monday 16th Aug to Club members and visitors.

There is some other requests that we must ask you to abide by which are not listed in the document and they are as follows:

  1. If you or any member of your household has any symptoms of the Covid 19 virus then you must not attend the field
  2. If you or any member of your household has been down to the field and then has any symptoms of the Covid 19 virus then you must notify us asap.

realise that this may seem like a lot of rules but we have to make sure that we are complying with both AGB and Government guidelines to ensure we can make things as safe as possible for everyone.

Lastly we would again stress that all of this is operated on a trust basis and is for your safety, if we cannot make it work on this basis then it may become necessary to close the field again.

Please see attached document for details: