Nott’s Ninjas on Tour 2014
Hi to all Nott’s clubs
This year the Nottinghamshire Archery Society is pleased to announce the Nott’s Ninja’s on tour.
This comprises of a series of events for all our junior archers, with one session organised each month commencing in May and running through until September.
These events are designed to get our junior archers shooting and having fun together and it is hoped that they will form the basis of a junior development squad in time.
The events will be run by a different Nott’s clubs each month and each session will be designed to test archery skills but the emphasis will be on fun and friendship with prizes and rewards being offered on each day.
The sessions are completely free but we have to insist that any juniors wanting to attend are accompanied by either a coach from their own club or a responsible adult or parent.
We need to gauge interest in these sessions so we can plan for each session, so I am asking each club to canvass their junior membership to see how many juniors would like to attend.
The events and dates are :-
May 11th Sherwood archers –Clout shooting competition 2.00-4.00pm.
JuneTBA Bingham Leisure Centre Archery club-Archery Darts
July18th Belvoir Archers July evening shoot
Aug 13th Burton Joyce Archers- Evening shoot, Metric rounds- competition 6.00-8.30pm
Sept TBA Welbeck Archers, week end day session.
Please contact me if your juniors are interested in attending any of these dates at
Chris Joyce
Nott’s Chair