Golden Arrow and Oregon Challenge 2013

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Golden Arrow and Oregon Challenge 2013

We were very busy at the start of June, On the 8th we hosted the 64th Annual Sheriff of Nottingham’s Golden Arrow Tournament, when 70 archers gathered to shoot for a range of trophies. Our members did us proud : John Watts won the Robin Hood Recurve Trophy, and Robert Ellis won the Stygian Spoon , awarded for the most number of arrows in the black ring. Our recurve team of Arthur Williams, John Watts, Brendon Key and Les Hajnal,won the Team Trophy. On the following day we hosted the 2nd Summer League shoot for the Nottinghamshire Archery Society, when 120 archers representing nearly every archery club in the county made this the largest -ever League shoot.  32 targets filled our field to capacity.The shoot also incorporated the second half of the Oregon Challenge, a postal match between the archers of Nottinghamshire and of  Oregon,USA.Results from these two competitions are not announced until later in the season after the 3rd round of the League, and after the Oregon team have shot their part of the Challenge. Our Club Secretary, Susan Stankovic, was the Tournament Organiser for both days.Well done,Susan.[wppa type=”slideonly” album=”13″ size=”0.5″ align=”right”][/wppa]

The Regional Championships were held on 16th June, when Ashley Buckland  won the Junior Ladies Under18 Compound Trophy, and Mario Stankovic won the Long National Longbow award.

We put on our usual Have-a-Go at the annual Family Fun Day on the Burgage, when , in spite of the showers, well over a hundred people tried their skill with the bow. Perhaps we shall be welcoming some of them at a Beginners’ Course later in the year.

Finally,to put the record straight,a correction to last month’s report on the challenge match between Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire archers. Nottinghamshire Juniors won, but the Seniors lost. My apologies for the error.

George Brown

Article submitted to the Bramley by George Brown