Georges Newsletter Sept 2022

Interest in the sport of archery is certainly growing here. OurAutumn Beginners Course has now ended and thirty two adults and juniors who completed it  are able to apply for membership of our club. We are pleased to have welcomed some of them already, and hope to see more of them soon.
Our monthly short- distance rounds and the longer distance of the clout round are attracting our newer members to join in, as they can’t resist the challenge of new distances, and the pleasure to be had from reaching them and then improving their score the next time.
At our last outdoor club meeting  on Friday 16th September, members paid tribute to Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in our traditional way of bidding farewell to members who have passed away: a silence in which to remember them, and the shooting  of two  black arrows, on this occasion, by our Chairman, Mario Stankovic and our President,George Brown.
We have moved our Friday club meeting to our indoor venue at Joseph Whitaker Sports Centre at Rainworth,where members can shoot from 7pm-9pm,with coaches present.Monthly Frostbites and Clouts will still be held on Sundays during the winter
We hope to be able to report successes of  our members at the indoor tournaments  as the season progresses.