Georges Newsletter Sept 2019

On a very breezy 1st September , eight members of Sherwood Archers put on a Have-a-Go in support of the Royal British Legion at the Bilsthorpe Community Day. The event, organized by the Bilsthorpe branch of the Royal British Legion, saw activities for residents to come and try their hand. We entertained over sixty people of all ages throughout the day, to enable them to  ”have – a – go” at our favourite sport.

The second week-end in September was a busy time, with two shoots on the field. We hosted the Sherwood Meeting of the British Long Bow Society. This is a traditional two-way York [Gentlemen} and Double-National [Ladies], upholding the Victorian way of longbow shooting, with the winners decided on Most Hits, and the second place medals going to the Best Scores. Numbers were low, but everyone had an enjoyable day. The President of the B.L.B.S. presented the trophies and medals,and thanked Sherwood Archers for putting on the event.

On the next day, we welcomed a team from The Wakefield Archers for our annual challenge match for The Speak Trophy in Honour of Robin Hood of Wakefield. The winning club claims Robin Hood for their own for the coming year, and I am pleased to report that Sherwood Archers won the contest and we hold the trophy until next year when we go to Wakefield. We had an enjoyable shoot,followed by a buffet-tea and presentations. Our winning team was Carrie and Andy Mortimore, Stephen and Serena Lamb, Linda and Jason Millard, Darran Lowe and David Salmon. Well done,team.

A group of our members shot at the Bingham Western on what turned out to be a very wet afternoon after days of blue skies.In spite of the conditions,they were rewarded with five medals between them: Alex Atkins [1st compound], Linda Millard [2nd recurve]. Jason Millard [3rd gent recurve], Carrie Mortimore [1st lady longbow] and Andy Mortimore [2nd gent longbow]. A great result on a wet day.

Our Club Championships were held on the last Saturday of the month. We made a good start to the eight dozen Western round, with only one sharp shower before lunch.After lunch, the clouds soon gathered and the rain started. Judge Mario offered archers the choice of finishing early, but everyone voted to shoot the remaining two dozen. Six arrows later there was a very strong wind and a torrential  downpour, so that we finished the shoot soaked to the skin, but still laughing!

Our champions for 2019 were Alex Atkins [compound], Linda Millard and Stephen Lamb [recurve], Carrie and Andy Mortimore [longbow] and Jane Burton [barebow]. Juniors were Grace Fieldwick and Nathan  Salmon [recurve],and Callum Fuller [compound]. Senior novice winners shooting their first competitions were Jennie Fieldwick and Richard Shapley.   The winner of the Handicap Trophy  was junior member Oliver Salmon, with a score 107 points above his handicap!

What a good month for our archers