Georges Newsletter Nov 2021

As we get further into winter, outdoor shooting on our field is mostly at the monthly Frostbites and Clouts, unless we are fortunate with the weather from time to time. Indoor weekly club nights at our winter venue at Joseph Whitaker Sports Hall, Rainworth ,are well attended,and numbers are increasing.

We hosted the East Midlands Archery Society’s Regional and Open Championships,organised by our Secretary, Susan Stankovic. This is a record status shoot, and attracts entries from archers in the five counties  and from a wider area beyond the East Midlands.  Ninety-one archers took part, some of them shooting in more than one of  the three sessions.  Trophies and medals were presented by Mario Stankovic, EMAS Chairman who is also our club Chairman, and was Patron at the shoot as well as being leader of the team of judges. Of the members of Sherwood Archers taking part, Jodie Cole was 3rd lady Barebow, George Tohovitis 2nd Gents Compound, Mark Burton won the Handicap medal for 37-44 group, and Callum Fuller was 2nd Jnr compound.

As promised last month, the dates of our Spring Beginners Course have been fixed for the end of January and the beginning of February. Dates and details are on the club website

This course will be held indoors, and would make an unusual Christmas present for anyone interested in becoming an archer!  The course organizer,Nick Bennett, can be contacted  on    if you would like further information.