Georges Newsletter Mar 2023

We have continued to hold our monthly club Frostbite and Clout rounds on Saturdays, in addition to this we have held our Club Indoor Championships at our indoor venue of Joseph Whitaker School.  Our Champions for 2023 are, shooting the Recurve style bow are Gentleman – Mark Burton, Lady – Amy Sykes and Junior Gentleman – Xander Bunney, Shooting the Compound Bow – Melvyn Pearce, shooting Longbow – Roger King and shooting Barebow – Jane Burton.  Archery like many other sports operates a handicap system for which we present medals on an annual basis, this year the medals were awarded to Mike Brooks for Best 1st Senior Handicap, Paul Woods for the Most Improved Senior Handicap and Nathan Salmon for the Best 1st Junior Handicap.

A reminder that we will be running the first of this season’s beginners courses on the 15th, 16th 21st  and 22nd April.  Application forms and further information regarding these can be found on Sherwood Archers Website –   And finally a future date for your diary as we are planning to hold Open days on Sunday 7th and Monday 8th May on the field for anyone wishing to try their hand at archery, more information next month.

Mario Stankovic