Georges Newsletter Feb 2023
I was given the chance to put a short piece together at the last minute for the March edition of the Bramley, the detail of which is below. In conversation with the Bramley’s editor she expressed how much she had enjoyed working with George, our past-President, when putting copy together for publication, and I would like to record my thanks here on behalf of the Club to George for diligently putting it together month after month on our behalf.
I’m pleased to say that the winter weather hasn’t put our members off shooting at our field. Last week saw 15 members shooting Clout which, to the untrained eye looks like something from Agincourt with archers sending a volley of arrows into the air. The aim being to get as close as possible to flags set at different distances across the field.
Our indoor shooting continues at the Joseph Whittaker school with sessions scheduled for Friday evenings and Sunday mornings. As the weather improves and the days get longer, we will be returning to the field for our regular Club sessions at the end of March.
For anybody who is interested in taking up archery as a sport, the club has a series of beginners courses planned throughout the year with the first one taking place over four sessions in April. Equipment and coaching is provided throughout the course. Please visit our website at for more information.
For those who would just like to have a go and see if it is something they would like to take up we have a ‘start archery’ event planned for early May this year. Last year saw a very successful event being run with almost 300 visiting the field and having a go over the course of a weekend. Archery is a sport for all ages and abilities, a good way to get out into the fresh air for a bit of exercise and to meet like-minded people. Further details will be published on our website in due course.
As the weather improves more and more clubs in and around the region are opening up their fields to competitions and we anticipate having teams of members out and about throughout the season, hoping to bring back silverware. Competition isn’t as daunting as it sounds; events are always fun and it gives archers an opportunity to stretch themselves in the pursuit of ever-increasing scores, and hopefully the odd medal along the way. Four of our members recently ventured to Boston in Lincolnshire for a winter shoot and came away with first, second and third, and the Team award. Here’s hoping that this is the first of many trophies to come back to the club in the coming year.
Paul Woods