Georges Newsletter Feb 2020
The first tournament of the year was our Record-status Portsmouth [5 dozen @20metres].This was a three-session shoot, organised by our Treasurer,Linda Telford. Chairman,Mario Stankovic,was Judge-in-charge, and a total of 93 rounds were shot by club members and visiting archers. Carl Richards [Meriden Archers] shot a UK and European Record for compound bows, with a score of 597 out of a possible 600. What an achievement! Best performances by our members were recurve, Tristan Armes, compound, George Tohovitis [new club record], barebow, Jodie Hayde, and longbow, Carrie Mortimore and Robin Carter.Junior members Ryan Jones [u14 recurve] and Lukus Cole [u14 barebow] both set new club records.
The club clout for January was dominated by our junior archers: Nathan Salmon, Evan Davis and Ethan Wood all setting new records at their distances.
The January Frostbite winners were recurve, Paul Woods, longbow,Carrie Mortimore, barebow, Mandie Elson, and American flatbow, Lee Waterfield.
This month’s Bray [indoor round] winners were recurve, David Salmon and longbow,Carrie Mortimore.
In the summer, Mark Burton won a Gold Tassel award shooting clout at Mercian Archers’ tournament. The National Rankings were published recently, and Mark was placed 23rd. Well done Mark, and everyone else who got into the Club Record Book in January
To round off the month we had a post-Christmas dinner at the Old Reindeer in Edingley. Forty of us enjoyed the chance to relax and talk over a very enjoyable meal. Our thanks to Jane Burton for organising the event, and to the Old Reindeer staff for looking after us.