Georges Newsletter Dec 2019

As with most outdoor activities, Autumn had its problems. After the almost daily rain we were very lucky with our first Frostbite Shoot of the season on Remembrance Day. Twelve members turned up to shoot the three dozen arrows at thirty metres, which is quite enough on a cold winter’s morning, but we were rewarded with a glorious morning – sunshine, blue sky and no wind. As usual we had a two minute silence of remembrance at 11 0’clock.

Our winners on the day were Recurve:Jennie Fieldwick; Longbow; George Brown; Barebow: Jodie Hayde; Flatbow: Lee Waterfield; Jnr Recurve: Grace Fieldwick.

We were not so fortunate with our monthly clout shoot! Most unusually, our well-drained field was,for once, too wet to be used and we had to cancel, much to the disappointment of one of our youngest juniors who had been looking forward to her first clout shoot.

Indoors we had a Halloween Evening, shooting at pictorial target faces instead of the traditional 5-colour rings. It certainly made a change , thanks to our Chairman Mario Stankovic who found the faces.

Our major event of the month was hosting the East Midlands Archery Society’s Indoor Championship, held at our winter venue,the Joseph Whitaker Sports Centre , Rainworth. Our Secretary,Susan Stankovic was the organizer and Mario Stankovic was Gentleman Patron and one of the Judges, and club members made up the working party, without whom shoots would never be able to take place. One hundred archers took part in this three-session competition, and our best-performing members were Carrie and Andy Mortimore [1st Lady and Gent longbow], RonPickering [4th Gent Longbow], George Tohovitis[5th compound] Lee Waterfield [9thcompound].

Our rolling monthly Bray competition [30 arrows into a 40cm target @ 20 m] continues. This months winners: Carrie Mortimore [longbow]; David Salmon [recurve]; Lee Waterfield [compound] and Alex Hawley [Barebow].