Georges Newsletter Aug 2019
July and August have been a busy time for us. Once again, we hosted the English National Longbow Championships for Archery England. Archers travel from all over the country to shoot record-status York/ Hereford Rose Award rounds. Mario Stankovic was Judge and Gentleman Patron and Susan Stankovic was Lady Paramount. Our Club President,George Brown, welcomed the archers and read out a message from Archery England Chairman,Marc Grady, thanking the club for staging the event. Champions once again were Sherwood’s Carrie Mortimore and from Canterbury, Cliff Gadd.
The next day, members went to the County Championships, hosted by Bramcote Archers. York,Hereford and Bristol rounds gave opportunities to gentlemen, ladies and Juniors respectively,and almost every one of our members taking part came home with trophies or medals;York: Andy Mortimore 1stlongbow, Stephen Lamb 2ndrecurve, Lee Waterfield 2ndcompound, Jason Millard 1sthandicap; Hereford: Carrie Mortimore 1stlongbow,Serena Lamb 2ndrecurve, Linda Millard 3rdrecurve; Bristol: Ethan Lamb 2nd u14 recurve. Our recurve team of Stephen,Serena , Linda and Darran Lowe took 1stplace. What a great day!.
Later in the month members shot in the Welbeck 1440 [similar. To the York/Hereford]. Carrie was 1stlady longbow,leading by a massive 224 points, with a Grand Master Bowman score. Stephen,Serena,Ethan,Darran and Lee all shot Bowman scores, and Serena,Stephen Ethan and Darran were part of the East Midlands team that beat the West Midlands in the Regional Challenge.
Taking advantage of the fine weather, Mario organized a fun shoot and BBQ for members and their families. Targets and bows we set up so that everyone, archers or not, to have a fair chance, and we were having a great time until a thunderstorm arrived overhead. That’s the only thing that always stops us shooting,but it was fun event for the 40 “archers” who took part.
The final round of the Summer League was held at Wilford Archers’ ground, and we did well in the final results, winning team trophies for longbow,recurve and Junior barebow. Our individual winners were Carrie and Andy Mortimore[longbow], Darran Lowe [recurve], Lukas cole [Jnr Barebow, Jo Bennett [Jnr Longbow] and Linda Millard [Ladies recurve handicap]
Clout shooting continues through the summer. Jane Burton was 1stlady barebow at Mercian Archers. Our monthly club clouts saw records for Alice Wood-Stevens, Grace Fieldwick, Oliver and Nathan Salmon and Callum Fuller.
Ethan Lamb was in the winning Notts team in the Inter-Counties Junior Championships.
On the hot, humid Bank Holiday weekend, Linda Millard shot in the two day Lincolnshire Championships, Missing 3rdplace in the 720 Head-to-head by just one point, and the next day coming 3rdlady recurve in the 1440. At the same meeting,Alex Atkins shot a six-gold end on the 80cm target face.
What a set of results over the two months.