Georges News Letter March 2018
Our club Clout Shoots over the past few months payed off when several of our members attended the Bramcote Open Clout Shoot, a selection shoot for the County team . Our juniors,Ethan Lamb [75metres] and Joanne Bennett [90 metres] both came first in their sections, and Serena and Stephen Lamb were both selected for the County senior team for the coming season.
The weather forecast for our final Frostbite Shoot of the season caused us to postpone for a week,and we managed to shoot on the pleasant Sunday between the two Arctic Sundays mid-month. Archers re-act well to good weather and three members improved their handicaps, and four set new records. Winners of the medals for the best scores for the Frostbite Series were Stephen Lamb [recurve]; Jason Millard [barebow]; Carrie Mortimore [longbow] and Ethan Lamb [junior].
As usual we held our Indoor Championships as the last indoor event of the season.There was a good turn-out and the hall was full, with all four bow disciplines represented. Our Indoor Champions for 2017/18 are Lee Waterfield [compound]; Martyn Smith [recurve]; Carrie Mortimore [longbow] and Steve Hughes [barebow]. Junior Champions are Ethan Lamb and Andrew Willoughby.
Medals were presented to the series winners of the monthly indoor Bray round,shot on a 40 cm face at 20 yds: Lee Waterfield [compound]; Stephen Lamb [recurve]; Carrie Mortimore [longbow];Alex Hawley [barebow] and Ethan Lamb [junior].
Now we move outdoors to start practising at the longer distances ready for the summer competitions.