Georges News Letter December 2014


One of the finest Sundays in mid-October gave us ideal conditions for our Club and Open Clout Shoot, held at Home Farm, Kirklington, by kind permission of Mr T Farr. This is our longest shoot in terms of distance, three dozen arrows being shot at up to 185 metres, depending on bow-style,gender and age. The term clout is an old word for a piece of cloth which would have been the target. Now it refers to the flag that is stuck in the ground at the appropriate distance.Twenty archers took part, and our Club Clout Champions are, once again, Martyn and Charlotte Smith.This style of shooting is regaining popularity as it provides a great test of skill, shooting for both distance and accuracy.
Our shortest shoot, the Frostbite,gives us a monthly outdoor event throughout the winter, when three dozen arrows are quite sufficient on a cold morning! This month we had a very good turn-out,with twenty members taking part.. Winners were Mike Webster[recurve[, Lee Waterfield[barebow], Arthur Williams[compound],Fred Kirkham[longbow] and Alice Wood-Stevens[Junior]
Well Done everyone.

George Brown