Georges March 2016 newsletter

March 2016

The indoor archery season is coming to a close, but there have still been some outdoor events. Four of our members went to Bramcote for the Regional Clout competition. This is shot at 180 yards, our longest target shooting distance. Charlotte Smith [barebow] came 2nd and Martyn Smith [recurve] was 3rd Notts archer. They both retain our club clout trophies for another year.

By contrast, we shot the last Frostbite of the season, at our shortest distance of 30 metres. The series winners were Christina Gimbel and Craig Fozard [recurve], Lee Waterfield and Susan Stankovic [compound], Alex Hawley [barebow], Les Leslie [longbow], Alice Wood-Stevens and Alex Waterfield [junior] and Stuart Lynes [novice].

Back indoors, the winners of our monthly Bray competition were Martyn Smith [recurve] Lee Waterfield [Compound], Mike Webster [longbow], Alan Gosling [barebow] and George Smith [junior].

Our Indoor Championships were held on the last Friday before we closed for Easter. This year we shot the Worcester round – 5 zone targets, black with white centres, 5 arrows per end at 20 metres. Our Champions are : Compound Susan Stankovic and Lee Waterfield; Recurve Linda Millard and Martyn Smith; Longbow Richard Gentle; Barebow Alex Hawley; Juniors Alex Waterfield [compound], Reece Buckland [longbow], Joanna Bennett and Matthew Pearson [recurve]

Away from the archery field, we held our Family Fun Evening at the Admiral Rodney. Organised by our Chairman, Richard Coates, everyone enjoyed an evening of games and quizzes, followed by a supper. Our thanks to The Admiral Rodney.

Congratulations to former member Hollie Smith [14] who began her archery career with us before moving to Derbyshire. She has won a place in the GB team against Hungary later in the year. We wish her well.

Finally, congratulations to Mario Stankovic on receiving a Champions of Southwell award for services to the community.

Well done everyone