Georges August 2015 News Letter
We have had a busy time since our last report from the archery field
Our Open Double Warwick{60&50yds] attracted 44 archers. Four of our members won commemorative tumblers: Christina Gimbel [recurve], Susan Stankaovic and Lee Waterfield [compound] and Alex Hawlwy [barebow30/20].
We hosted the County Championships, organised by David Salmon. 84 archers attended, shooting York/Hereford for seniors, with novices and juniors at shorter distances.Our winners were Steve Gamble [barebow York] and Cam Pearson [recurve Hereford], Bristol Round winners were Maria Bettany[compoun], Christina Gimbel and Craig Fozard [recurve]Reece Buckland [jnr longbow] ,Ivan Dundich [jnr compond] and Alex Hawley [barebow].
At the end of the month, five members shot the Belvoir Archers’ Windsor round, all scoring personal bests, with Craig Fozard and Susan Stankovic doing best.
We were pleased to welcome the visitors from Chernobyl for their annual Have-a-Go. Everyone had a really enjoyable evening as the visitors competed to become Robin Hood and Maid Marion for the evening.Language is no barrier on the archery field!
Seven members shot the Melton Mowbray Western in weather ranging from burning sunshine ,through strong wind to lashing rain, all in an afternoon.Christina Gimbel won bronze, and Alex Hawley scored a splendid 404 at his barebow round.
The final round of the Summer League was hosted by Wilford Bowmen. Our medal winners were Susan Stankovic [compound gold], Lee Waterfield [compound bronze],Craig Fozard [adult novice gold],and our compound team won the handicap gold.
The Oregon Challenge results were announced at the same time. Christina Gimbel won the Sharp Trophy, and Martyn Smith, Susan Stankovic and Lee Waterfield gained places in the Challenge team against Sherwood archers in Oregon,USA.
Finally, our congratulations to Simon Froggat on a splendid performance in the National Series Finals shot at Wollaton Hall where he took second place.
Well done,Simon, and all our club medal winners this month
George Brown