Georges April 2015 News Letter
We ended the indoor season with our Club Championships at the end of March. The winners were Seniors: Christina Gimbel and Martyn Smith [recurve], Ashley Buckland and Lee Waterfield [compound],Alan Gosling [barebow], Mario Stankovic [longbow]. Juniors: Alice Wood-Stevens and George Smith [recurve], Adam McLaughlin [compound], Reece Buckland [longbow], Anna Wood [barebow] and Tim Gosling [u.10 recurve]
The outdoor season got off to a wild and windy start when a group of our members went to Bassetlaw Bowmen’s shoot at the start of April. Conditions were so bad that Judge Mario Stankovic called the shoot off at lunchtime,for safety reasons, and medals were awarded for scores at that point. Our only medal winners were Susan Stankovic [2nd Lady Compound], and Ashley Buckland [3rdLady Compound]
Our next outing was a double-booking on a sunny Sunday before the cold weather returned. One group shot at the Bingham Western, where members had a better day;Steve Gamble [1st Barebow], David Seymour [2nd Longbow] and Malcolm Douglas improved on his personal best for the round by 15 points. The other group went to Welbeck Archers’ 40th Anniversary Shoot, a Crecy round where the targets were pictures of larger-than-life knights on horseback and armoured foot soldiers. Scores depended on hitting the un-armoured parts of their bodies. This made for a really enjoyable,as well as frustrating morning, especially on the pictures where the shields covered most of the body. After the shoot we were entertained to a celebratory buffet lunch at the Welbeck Club. Our thanks to Welbeck Archers for an enjoyable event, unusual and great fun.
Our congratulations to Simon Froggatt who was invited to a selection shoot for the Great Britain team at the end of April. We wish him success.
Our Summer Beginners’ Course will be held in June on our field. For full details, please contact Arthur Williams on 01623 794835 or click “Here”
George Brown