Mario Stankovic has been in the club since 1990 . He has served in many roles in the club for many years before becoming the club chairman. He is also a County Coach & a County Judge.
Susan Stankovic is the Club Secretary and has been in the club since 1990.She is a level 1 coach and her preferred bow type is the Compound. She has shot for Notts County......She has organised many shoots for Sherwood Archers including the world status East Midlands indoor Championships in December 2008.
Malcolm has only been shooting for 5 years, but in that time he has become a key member of the Sherwood Archers team. Malcolm took over the website admin from Jon in 2018 and has been the main driving force behind the site you see today. He also manages the token scheme for when people do work for the club, so be nice to him or you may not get as many as you thought you should 🙂
George Brown
George Brown was the Club President and had been in this role for more than 25 years. He was a competent archer who had been shooting for many years now. His preferred bow type was the traditional long bow. George was responsible for organising many of Sherwood Archers competitions, including the Barebow/Longbow competitions. He also had the delightful role of public relations officer, writing articles regularly to inform the public about the Club, its activities & the victories of its members. This role he carried out with distinction until his untimely passing in March 2023. He was a key member of the club and is missed by all who knew him.